Consistent and complementary design
The range of businesses acquired by the Onesys group brought with them a very diverse range of colour palettes! A key concern for Onesys was retaining the brand awareness these companies had established over their lifetime as independent businesses, while still making them visually part of the Onesys brand. To do this, the original brand colours for each new acquisition were retained while the websites were rebuilt using the same standardised template, with the same header and navigation layout and the addition of both their own logo and the Onesys logo.
This was done to create a recognisable pattern or layout across all the websites in the group, creating visual consistency between them all, without ‘washing out’ their original branding. To further unify the brands, there are plans for Onesys to update their own logo in order to reference the brand colours introduced to the company through their acquisitions as well, so watch this space!