3 Feb, 2021

New Year, New Team Member, New Ideas

This week we're bringing you the first installment in a mini blog series from our brand new and shiny Technical Delivery Manager, Ollie. He'll be covering all things Pixel including how he's settling in, what he's working on and what he's aiming to achieve in this new role. So without further ado, here's Ollie...

Starting a new job can be quite daunting, especially during a pandemic. However, my first few weeks here at PixelBuilders has been the complete opposite. The team here is very much like a family and everyone is welcoming and willing to allow new people to join the gang! It’s very refreshing getting to speak the team each morning, allowing spirits to remain high during the pandemic!

Having worked with a previous web agency, I have outside exposure to Pixelbuilders and aim to bring some of my knowledge to the table. One of my goals to achieve is to help produce a more streamline development/project management process, in which the overall production is simpler, smoother and more enjoyable.

Outside of work I am a pretty normal guy.. I like going to the gym, drinking a few beers and playing games.

I am excited for my future here at PixelBuilders and hope to have some serious impact.

A whole month has been and gone just like that!

My first weeks here have been a great learning experience for myself and the team. I’ve had the opportunity to work on two key projects thus far, with many more on the horizon. It’s great to see how the team works and how flexible the entire business can be. The building process is ever so slightly changing with my input and hope to reap the benefits come delivery day.
I am very excited to meeting the team in person, and with each announcement we get closer to normalisation around Covid.
